
Seven Collaboration Tools For The Workplace Of The Future

Workplace Of The Future: Companies’ demand for collaboration tools has increased dramatically in recent years – especially following the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the World Trade Index 2022, this trend is welcomed with enthusiasm, which sees 53% of people considering adopting this approach in the coming year. Complicit in this growth is undoubtedly hybrid work.  

Also, according to Research, the hybrid paradigm goes hand in hand with the remote. In fact, 57% of remote employees are considering switching to a hybrid formula, while 51% are considering a remote shift. Yet, according to the World Trade Index, 74% of managers say they need more resources or influence to accommodate this change, which is increasingly required by human resources.  

If the future workplace is hybrid, however, it is necessary to invest in the right tools to satisfy this model and the needs of workers. Because of this mixed nature of workplaces, between remote, smart working, and face-to-face work, Unified Communication tools are the ones most valued by IT managers to make business processes more efficient, faster, and safer.  

Fostering collaboration, coordination, and communication is the primary objective. To achieve it, digital tools allow not only to create a more productive work ecosystem but also contain costs

The seven collaboration tools that simplify business life 

Equipping your employees with advanced and cloud-based collaboration tools means structuring a faster, more flexible, secure, and more effective workspace

For this reason, Unified Communication and Collaboration tools are among the most requested. Following the pandemic period, in which implementing smart working was necessary, innovative, easy-to-use systems were perceived as capable of improving productivity and ensuring business continuity inside and outside the office.  

These solutions seek user-friendly features which favor and streamline communication and document sharing. Let’s see them in detail. 

Instant messaging, chat

Instant messaging allows you to exchange text messages and files online in real-time. The dialogue is interactive, and most applications allow you to send videos, proceed with voice communications, and start videoconferences. 

Video conferencing platforms

Seeing each other live, even through a screen, is an excellent solution for communicating with several people in various locations as if they were close to us in the same meeting room. 

In a hybrid context, face-to-face meetings can be replaced by virtual video conferences, which help keep attention high and convey the experience of a physical meeting. 

Virtual and interactive board

The virtual whiteboard is an interactive board visible both in the office and remotely since it is connected to the company network and can be reached by all collaborators.  

This tool allows you to communicate and work remotely on the same document, thanks to visual information, texts, drawings, and graphics. 

Shared calendar

The shared calendar facilitates the organization of appointments and meetings without needing to consult the participants individually. The person who organizes the event has an overview of the agenda of all those involved and can immediately find a standard free slot. Booking the meeting room and checking its availability via the app is also possible. 

Cloud file sharing and storage

Sharing tools allow you to transfer documents, distribute them and give access to colleagues and collaborators who need it. This way, you avoid transferring everything via email and saturating mailboxes with heavy files. 

Archiving can be done on the organization’s intranet and the cloud. Cloud storage allows data to be archived even remotely, making it accessible and visible to the entire organization. Furthermore, synchronization updates any changes, additions, or deletions in the version of each document.  

This way, employees can continuously operate on the latest version, and the information stays the same everywhere.  

Evaluating collaboration tools: considerations for the future

Performance evaluation of collaboration tools plays a critical role in shaping a mobile, collaborative, and productive workforce. 

IT managers need to dig into the strengths and weaknesses of these tools, how well they align with strategic goals, and how employees use them. 

Also Read : Ukraine War And Cyber-War: What Is The Impact On Cybersecurity?


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