Category: Technology

Why Use Data Encryption? The Practical Reasons

Data encryption is a fundamental element in corporate security, providing basic and strategic protection in case other barriers fail. The concept of corporate security refers, in general, to all the solutions and infrastructures put in place to avoid intrusions, to compensate for the fail-over of individual resources, and, no less importantly, to all the strategies […]

Cloud Backup

Cloud backup: what it is Cloud Backup allows you to copy data to servers located in remote Data Centers so that our information can be kept even during breakdowns or disasters. The off-site server can be hosted in a proprietary cloud or with a public cloud service provider, which charges customers for the storage and […]

How Asynchronous Learning Can Aid Your Spiritual Journey

Embracing a spiritual journey can take on many different forms, including online courses, reading material, and in-app guidance. What is the difference between synchronous vs. asynchronous learning? While synchronous learning has some advantages because of the benefit of a live teacher sharing examples and interacting with all participants in real-time, asynchronous online learning gives students […]

Artificial Intelligence: It Is The Future Also For Marketing, But Few Use It

The state of things Artificial intelligence future of marketing. Reading the survey results by Inside Marketing, “77% of company managers believe in the importance of applying AI to the organization. 52% of business leaders then admit that this knowledge is not widespread within their company and that AI is unclear to many”.  This survey makes […]

Industry 4.0 And Big Data: Three Things To Know To Excel

Big Data and  Fintech Era: what perfect combination for the year 2018? With technological innovation, a new form of wealth has increasingly established itself. We all know it as the science of Big Data or “big data,” affecting all business sectors (banking, finance, manufacturing, insurance, PA, etc.) Big Data and Digital Transformation are increasingly affecting […]

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