Category: Technology

Logistics And Security: Watch Out For Cyber Risk

Logistics And Security, The transport, storage, and delivery sectors were the top three targets most severely hit by cyber-attacks in 2020, together with the banking sector. Cyber threats target the transport sector, and cyber criminals are sometimes even “sponsored” by a state in the form of unfair competition to reduce competing countries’ logistics and supply […]

Spend It Well By Focusing On Cybersecurity And Privacy

Security: a social issue Cybersecurity And Privacy, Among the strategic priorities for our country, agreed upon at the European level, are digitization and innovation. But while waiting for this long-term technological breakthrough, large companies, SMEs, and the Public Administration have to face very concrete and current problems. Security is no longer an individual issue but […]

A Guide To Custom App Development Services Every Business Owner Needs

The need for custom mobile app development services has skyrocketed since mobile devices swept the globe by storm. Every company, from startups to large corporations, felt the need to create a cutting-edge app for its customers. That’s because it quickly became clear that it could do a lot of things, like improve customer assistance, engage […]

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