How To Create The “Ideal Customer Profile”?

Ideal Customer Profile

The concept of “The Buyer Persona” has become an indispensable tool in modern marketing, which, above all, enables faster implementation of business assumptions. If you would like to build your own ideal customer profile, you’ve come to the right place – we will show you how to do it with a specific example.

What is it all about?

The Buyer Persona is designed to embody our ideal customer based on thorough research and data analysis. A profile prepared in this way describes the audience reached by the brand’s marketing communication: age range, professional qualifications, challenges they face, as well as the decision-making process behind the purchase. For this reason, the ideal customer profile is also simply called the customer or recipient.

Building such a character allows us to understand who we address through our social media channels or other forms of communication and to properly adjust these messages: so that our real audience can identify with the message.

Build your customer profile

The first step should be to do thorough research. So collect the demographic data of your recipients, i.e., their:

  • age,
  • location,
  • stage in life (e.g., student, middle-aged person, pensioner),
  • interests and hobbies,
  • consumer habits and decision-making capacity,
  • the challenges they face.

You can obtain this type of information from the level of any social media platform, such as Facebook Audience Insights or Google Analytics, or your own customer base.

Then determine what their needs are, what is most important to them, what their goals are. Thanks to this, you will determine what is particularly attractive to them in your offer and also what plays a greater role: price or product quality? How important is ecology or fast shipping?

Now consider what you can do to best meet these needs and requirements. What aspect of the activity should be emphasized: a wide range of products, or rather a narrow but well-developed one? How important are your values? Below is an example of a Busy Krzysztof, who could be a client of a restaurant in an office building:

  • is 31 years old,
  • single or recently in a relationship, no children,
  • rents an apartment in the city center,
  • works in a fairly large company as a financial auditor,
  • earns 8,000 PLN per month,
  • in his free time, he likes to party in the city and watch Netflix,
  • he still lacks free time,
  • He likes to surround himself with luxurious objects.

Now it is enough to answer the question of what menu and what kind of service Busy Krzysztof is expecting from the office restaurant in order to dine in it.

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