The 3 Most Common Mistakes You Make (probably) On Instagram Are


More than 1.386 billion accounts. With this number, Instagram is the fourth most used platform in the world. How many of these accounts are sample and how many are terrible? I have had countless consultations in recent years, and I have found that most have repeated the same basic mistakes that we will now describe.

Influencers, sole traders, small and large companies , everyone would certainly like to use the power of Instagram effectively to their advantage. And most importantly, everyone would like millions of followers. But before we move on to different strategies to get them, we need to make sure that our profile is ready for new followers.

So first of all, the profile must be “at the level”, only then can we focus on strategies for getting people to it. Finally, we can focus on what content to fulfill the account and how to make a profit thanks to it .

The profile needs to be optimized

It is said that the first impression is quite important, isn’t it? This is definitely true on Instagram. When I open your profile, it’s your business card to decide if I’m going to follow you. So take care and do everything so that people decide to follow you as soon as they see your profile.

The first and basic things include:

Choosing the right type of profile – creator or business (not personal).

Profile photo – in the case of a company it must be a logo, in the case of a person his photo. It sounds extremely simple, but you’d be surprised how many people put some things, animals or no picture at all in the photo. The photo must be high quality, ideally in light colors and it must be clear who is on it.

BIO – here we state who we are and what we do. This applies to both the company profile and the influencer profile. You should also provide a reason to follow your profile here.

Link to the web – I believe that everyone knows that you can also include a link to your website or group on Facebook, etc. But be careful! If you just put it there, there will be few who click on it. Don’t forget to write why I should click on it, or what I will find there.

CTA – of course there should be a call to action. Either associated with a link to your site or a call to track your profile. But avoid dry phrases like: “Give follow” and so on. You must always state the reason or benefits. What do I get when I give follow? You have to make it conditional on something and there are no limits to creativity. Feel free to be funny.

Story selections – the content is a separate chapter, but I will mention here at least the first thing you will see after opening the profile. And that also includes storytelling. Although not many people look at them, they make your profile look professional, and when you win nicely with it, it can always be very attractive to the eye.

Your profile is one large collection of ads

You’ve simply mistaken your profile for a dump of ads and promotions. Unfortunately, this is not the happiest strategy. If you want to graduate, open Facebook Ads Manager

The second option is to add all the promotional items to the stories. That’s perfectly fine there. But don’t spoil your profile, it doesn’t look good. Of course, it is not a big mistake to add this type of contribution once in a while, but the ratio should not be worse than ¼ in favor of regular contributions.

No strategy

To use Instagram properly, you must first set clear goals . What is it for? And what are your expectations? Only when you know the clear answers to these questions can you get to work.

You can set the right strategy only if you know your goals well. And with the right strategy, you can grow and meet goals. If you know what you promise from Instagram, start using it so that it has a head and a heel.

Also Read : Information Of Over 500 Million Facebook Users Was Leaked

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